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(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 5mo (edited 5mo)

I see:

  • A nigger in a cold climate with snow-covered mountains where it doesn't belong and cannot exist
  • The nigger is using an Aryan-created plow, complete with wheels that the nigger never did and could never conceive of
  • The Aryan-created plow is being pulled by horses that are an Aryan creation borne from generations of careful breeding by our ancestors
  • The Aryan-created horses are attached to the Aryan-created plow by Aryan-created straps and assemblies (all of which require yet more Aryan-created technologies and methods to create them that were learned, handed down and improved upon over generations; i.e. metal- and leather-working)
  • The nigger is performing an action of plowing in preparation for planting crops that will one day grow to provide food and materials, which requires the ability of future-planning that their nigger brains are not capable of due to their inferior, non-human genetics causing them to lack a functional frontal lobe
