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[–] 2 pts 11mo

Found it!(pic8.co)

[–] 2 pts 11mo

What is that, the Beast of Gevaudan?

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 11mo

Just looked up the Beast of Gevaudan, gnarly story, never knew about it. What about that weird derpy drawing made you think of it? That thing is barely better than a stick figure

[–] 1 pt 11mo

They killed and taxidermied it, but either 18th century taxidermy had a questionable understanding or anatomy or the corpse was in rough shape. Unfortunately the taxidermied corpse is lost, but there are woodcuts of it: https://i0.wp.com/thegoodlifefrance.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/beast-of-Gevaudan.jpg?ssl=1

[–] 1 pt 11mo

Either that or some strange species of Polar Bear.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 11mo (edited 11mo)

I have seen Chemtrails checkerboard the sky when i was passing Sentinel Island near India, practically the middle of nowhere. (((These))) fuckers think they are cloud seeding and protecting the earth from the sun. (((They))) are under the impression that when the magnetic poles flip and our ozone drops to 10% within the next 10 years, (((they))) will still be able to grow crops and live underground. The new north pole will be India and the New south pole being Venezuela

[–] 0 pt 11mo

What the fuck where you doing around the sentinal islands?

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 11mo

Deep sea fishing. I am a world traveler. I have been almost everywhere except Antartica.

[–] 1 pt 11mo

They got a lot of meat down there, deep in the sea. Really makes a man start thinking uncomfortable thoughts. All the meat you could get from down there... all the meat you could put down there...

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 11mo

at first I thought you were going on about the chemtrail display in the sky, lol

[–] 0 pt 11mo

What do you think I am talking about?

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 11mo

the dog on the building

Those chemtrails show up in my sky every day where I'm at. If the sky is clear, it wont take long for a dozen planes to fly through ejecting those inflating artificial clouds. By the end of the day its normally overcast because of that stuff.

[–] 1 pt 11mo

I was talking about the chemtrails, stabby just noticed the beast hidden in the pictures. It seems like the skies are never as clear as they were, and it's not clouds, it's a weird seemingly reflective and uniform haze. T

The sky always so ugly now. I never used to look up at the sky when I was a kid, and think, damn, that's an ugly sky. But now I do almost everyday.

[–] 1 pt 11mo

See how they always end right at the end of the major metro area?