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“murdering my unborn baby, ending my family’s genealogy, and proud of it

“murdering my unborn baby, ending my family’s genealogy, and proud of it”

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt 3y

It's not a trick, they want to fuck men they find hot, it's that simple. Birth control is wonderful for women because they get to be whores. Why are you trying to blame jews when everyone that has any experience with women to any depth knows that they are simply whores? Women can generally get anyone, they know this, so when they are horny, it's gg husband material.

Welcome to 2014+.

[–] 1 pt 3y

Why are you trying to blame jews when everyone that has any experience with women to any depth knows that they are simply whores?

Women wouldn't be in a position to be able to act on their impulses if it wasn't for the jew "liberating" them. Who would she cheat on you with if she's never around another man?

[–] 1 pt 3y

It's a bit of both. jews pushed really hard for women's lib and women's votes, because women are emotional and easy to manipulate. You need a firm hand and a strong society to keep women in line. Our ancestors dropped the ball, jews swept in and now look at the whores.

It is women's base biology, but it was always checked.by strong men, until jews and weak men.

So both. Once jews are dealt with, we fix society and women's base instincts will be tamed once more.

[–] 0 pt 3y

I agree more with you than the other guy...What rubs me wrong about the "The Jews did this to women!" crowd is that they all come off as women, yet again, looking for a way to get out of their shitty behavior. I happen to think there's a ton of women commenting in places like this trying to get "alt-right men" to not let them suffer the consequences of their decisions.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Yeah, I agree, but it works both ways, a few pua and mgtow guys squirm and avoid the Jew issue to push all the blame onto women, while correctly accepting that women are like children.

If we root out the jews, we can sort the women again.

It's kinda like playing with a wild dog and it bites you, it's just its nature, but if you tame it, it won't bite you, then if you train it, it will follow your command and in a few generations you have man's best friend, but if they escape, a few generations later they're attacking live stock.