if you feel the need to wear one stay the fuck at home.
youre a problem, because the more fucking retards wear masks because they were told to the more the clowns running this shit show see 'everyone' is complying.
sorry but by wearing a mask and enabling the destruction of laws that still exist that quite explicitly state you cant force anyone into a mask you are putting my life far more at risk than the fucking common cold you think just went deadly because tv told you.
fuck off, you need a wakeup call and it seems the only thing that wakes some people up is taking money from them by force.
I wear a mask deliberately to fuck with vaxxers so I can let them know I didn't get a vaccine and they can suck my dick. I then drop the mask and cough on them.
I know a vaccinated person who keeps wearing the mask around me for "my protection".
(post is archived)