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[–] 11 pts 3y

We wuz Lizabeethuns and sheeeit!

[–] 2 pts 3y (edited 3y)

We wuz Kaaangz , inventors, and built Wakanda too

Try these shocking Google search links!

In IMAGE SEARCH, not web search, a very inordinate number of images returned show up when searching "WHITE COUPLE"



RACIST google still! Try these links now :

" white people " in USA Google its negroes galore ! Positive Whites are shoahed off of Jewgle when possible.


the above one year ago, showed 95% negroes EACH! Now its no more than 80% after being mocked by conservative blogs relentlessly.

" white inventors " ? In japan its Tesla,Edison,Bell,Farnsworth,etc... in USA google returns 95% BLACK HOAXES!!! In 2021 after in the news, Google added Edison and removed some fake links to nonexistant Blacks :


" white couple " in USA Google returns 80% images showing one or more BLACKS! In 2021 after exposed in the news, Google added arrested White couples.


" white scientist " in USA Google mocks whites, shows smart black stock images, AVOIDS (((Einstein))) or ANY white scientists except hated whites. In 2021 after exposed in the news, Google added some white FEMALE scientists :


" historical europeans " in USA Google mocks whites, shows mostly blacks, or violent white vikings or crusaders


for me in usa today i got for 'historical europeans':



" european people history " in USA would make you puke in most of 2020 :


Depends on where you are when you search but here is one negro laden result for " european people history ":


What fucking evil is google up to? White replacement and White Genocide?

Who is behind this?


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[–] 0 pt 3y

William Chuckspear, the Griot of Stratford-Be-Up-On-Avon

[–] 9 pts 3y

I just tried it. Jesus-Tap-Dancing-Christ. These fuckers are unbelievable.

[–] 10 pts 3y

Look at the sources and shit too. Pinterest. Afroeurope.blogspot.com. thehumanityarchive. lin.17.qq.com...

Then wikipedia, which shows a whole host of white people.

But it's obvious Jewgle goes out of its way to find obscure references to niggers in Europe.... wikipedia is obviously the most popular site of the first 10 results, and it's #10 in order.

[–] 0 pt 3y

But it's obvious Jewgle goes out of its way to find obscure references to niggers in Europe.... wikipedia is obviously the most popular site of the first 10 results, and it's #10 in order.

You finally starting to realize what commies mean when they say "equity", yet?

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 3y

How many times has history been erased before

[–] 2 pts 3y

The pics are from random "we wuz Kangs" blogs. It's very fucked that these are the first results. Sergey Brin runs google and he hates Europeans to say the least.

[–] 2 pts 3y

I wonder how long the Americans will be able to homeschool their children. That's verboten in countries like Germany and seems like the next logical step for the American libtards.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Do they have Amish or mennonites in Europe?

[–] 1 pt 3y

Honk alert over 9000

[–] 1 pt 3y

Easy fix: "historical europeans -color -black -nigger -african"

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

In the past when you jewgle 'rapist' it was all white men.

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