Lost mine last year at 17 years old. She got nasty tumors on her belly a few years prior to that (breast cancer as I later realized, really regretted not spaying her early). It was awful and painful, but she endured for a solid year and a half after one of the tumors burst open. Then one day cancer must've gotten to her lungs because she was incapable of purring anymore which kept her alive, and she almost instantly turned into a walking corpse. Her last moments were very hard for her, but I was there with her all the way. I felt like shit the entire year after that. We buried her under the tree near my place so we could always say hi to her as we pass by. I got a new cat recently though, another girl. Dad really wanted one, he just seemed too sad otherwise. I was against it, but having no other choice I accepted the new kitty, we even named her the same as the old one. I learned a lot with my good old girl, so I'm not going to repeat same mistakes again. I wish you good luck too. Some recommend replacing dead pets with new ones ASAP, but it's easier said than done. For me it sort of feels disrespectful. But then there's a new life, a new opportunity for a young little cat to experience joy and happiness.
My condolences on your lost. That sounds like a complete nightmare for all involved though I'm sure you had many good times before that tragic end. I love that you have her buried in your garden and can benefit from that direct connection. We would have preferred that but chose cremation as we are likely to downsize at some point.
My wife and I both agree that we will get another and not waste any time about it. We see each animal that we bond with as a unique experience and life as a very short space of time. Peoples opinions will differ of course and they need to do what is right for them.
Thanks for sharing your experience and encouragement.
(post is archived)