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[–] 9 pts 4y

Fix your country in these easy steps!

1) Remove citizenship from Jews and dual citizens

2) Remove federal reserve banks and print money with no interest and use it for infrastructure. Build and expand your country with state run cash reserves!

3) Idolize women being mothers and men being labourers. Have mortgages paid by having children. Create a Labour Corp so no man shall have no job.

4) Criminalize social sciences, faggotry and transgenderism and its research; and prostitution and porn.

5) Militarize the youth and have physical fitness and godliness a key part of growing up to become a man.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 4y

6) Add nice uniforms.

7) More godliness. You can't go wrong following Sky Dad.

[–] 3 pts 4y

Not Sky Dad. Anthropomorphic heuristic for the higher power and forces of nature. But you are right.

[–] 1 pt 4y

I did like how the Church came before going to Hitlers Youth meetings.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 4y

I didn't know that, actually. It's funny the things we can still learn.

All the Reich was, was the reignited fire of the Teutonic Order. There's a few scattered images where you can see parades of Wehrmacht troops holding the old banners of the Teutons. The SS were practically the knights. All that knight imagery, warrior-scholar outlook, and so on wasn't for nothing. Then of course Hitler himself remained a devout Catholic though he disagreed with the Catholic Church itself and wished to reform it.

The Reich lost, yes, but look at what it took to make them lose. They still had a surprisingly effective army not even a year before they fell. Battle of the Bulge? It could've really fucked the Allies if the Germans had won.

But thinking of their loss, Hitler did mention how he felt he was doing preparatory work and Providence was guiding him.

Perhaps all of it, even the loss, was the preparatory work. It was a necessary loss. It was done so that we could see what would happen if we lost, and also if we won. It gave us an ideology that extends beyond military defeat.

I say it's time we use it.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Hitler knew Christianity was our tard wrangler.

[–] 0 pt 4y

That's sounds anti-semitic.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Your mom said your dick smells anti semitic