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I'd bet that this drawing is 100% Israeli Cointelpro agitprop. They WANT us to know their dirty deeds and evil genocidal globalist plans, and THEY WANT us to start taking action, which is why they create disgustingly evil agitprop like this, just to keep pushing us a little bit more over that line, and once we cross that line (their line), that's the endgame. That's when the jew does what the jew do, they'll cry "Oy veeeeeyyy!" from every platform possible, then scream "I'm being persecuted by the evil white supremacist NATZEES, we can't let them do anotha' holocawst! Neva' again, I say, OY VEY OY GEVALT! KILL ALL GOY, I mean, kill all the NATZEES!" Then they'll stage a big hoax "hate crime" of some sort (possibly before, maybe after doing the universal cry of persecution), pretty much getting the entire human race on board with their white genocide agenda, and that'll seal our fate. Our only option left is for all remaining red pilled white aryan europeans to comandeer some of the military industrial complex alien technology and set out amongst the stars to find a new place we can call home, a new Europa, far away from this rat and Nigger infested clownworld of DIVERSITY and EQUITY. A world where our beautiful Aryan goddesses can walk the streets without fear of being raped and murdered by a pack of wild niggers, a world where Aryan men can grow up learning survival skills, real world skills that will benefit not only himself but the entire society, a world where all White Aryan brothers and sisters can live in peace and harmony with each other and our environment. Having learned many painful but valuable lessons from living on the judenrats (hell on) Earth throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, we could adopt only the positive and beneficial technologies and Concepts. Primarily working to build strong communities, instructing all future generations of men to reject degeneracy and embrace tradition, teaching our women that it is virtuous and noble to remain a virgin until she finds that special man that she would happily start a family with, and teaching posterity the bitter sweet story of our painful history, in all candor, not sparing a single detail of truth about how the evil judenrat covertly took over the planet and nearly wiped out out beautiful race thru genocide, cultural subversion, miscegenation, forced immigration, infiltration, and every other tactic conceivable. And teach them to remember this, never forget, and never forgive these judenrats for what they have done to our people; that this must be a lesson to remain ever vigilant, and never slacken, and never capitulate, and to prepare for the day when our civilization possesses the numbers and the strength to return to our homeworld and enact our terrible fury and vengeance upon the "chosen people" and all those who dare side with the evil judenrat. Hail Victory, we'll have finally done what the Jews have been accusing us of all these years since WW2, and what a sweet day that will be to finally gass all the kikes and race war now...

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