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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Funny you say that. I worried about sounding like a faggot for mentioning my emotions, but seriously, how can you not get emotional looking at that comic. Nothing about this comic is untrue & if you agree w/the truthfulness of it how can you not get emotional. Remember, these evil fuckers willfully & for profit kill babies.

[–] 0 pt 4y

You clearly weren't worried about sounding like a fag in the title, hence my comment.

I'm pissed off too, but at a certain point constant stress like that will literally kill you. My doctor has warned me multiple times about spiking my blood pressure like that so much, because he had a patient in the past who died of a heart attack at 33. I'm 31, so I try not to be pissed off unless someone's about to immediately harm my family. All bets are off then.

Just sayin', might want to take it easier if you want to be effective.