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True story, and in the official court documents, to paraphrase, 'ALL the charges levelled at the Third Reich and individual defendants are determined by this court to be Ipso facto ( or based in fact). It wasn't a trial to determine whether these things had ACTUALLY happened or not, but more 'a victors court' to determine HOW GUILTY those charged were.

All those charged were forbidden to call in their own witnesses/ unable to have their own experts give testimony in their defence, they could only answer to the charges levelled at them using the 'evidence presented in the court by the prosecution'.

Bonus honk - Only a single witness was ever called to give evidence in the court to 'corroborate' the prosecution's claims of ' .... being engaged in the running of a system of ('death') camps throughout Germany and the Occupied territories' - essentially all the former prisoner/ witness said was 'Oh vey, yes they were running death camps ' . Just Amazing ...