True yes, but doesn't negate the point.
Throwing out demoralization.kike.posts to people who are trying to get better is purely jewish.
How fucking incredible.
(((Talest_Skil))) out of nowhere with the downvote(
blah blah kikes blah blah blah. Calling someone a kike is so fucking boring. Didn't the last 5 years of Voat get that out of everyone's system? I'm pretty sick of it myself
Didn't the last 5 years of Voat get that out of everyone's system? I'm pretty sick of it myself
Are you jewish?
That's totally irrelevant to the fact that YOU are an asshole.
75 IQ comment right here. Extremely predictable and no originality. You're basically being a parrot. Are you a nigger?
I didn't call you a kike. Learn to read.
You literally called my post demoralization and then said that's what kikes do. It's implied. Don't pretend to be a retard faggot. I know you're not retarded.
I started working out again cause my head was all fucked up. That and my noodle arms. One day I flexed and I was like there’s nothing there. Mostly for my head though. Exercise works better than any drug or alcohol or meditation or prayer or whatever. It’s the best thing you can do
Good for you man. Keep it up.
Found the fat fuck.
(((Talest_Skil))) everyone.
I'll try to get a video of me at the gym today. I don't have a jewphone so it's not guaranteed to happen.
(post is archived)