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[–] 1 pt 1y

FDA=fucking die america

[–] 1 pt 1y

Sadly, I wish this wasn't true.

[–] 1 pt 1y

Not to be a fatalist but there's no getting away from this killing of humanity. They want population reduction even more so than ever. I should not go to the grocery store buy four things and have it be almost $30. So then you can't shop at these grocery stores because you can't afford the food so you go to the shitty places and then you get it's sub par food which gets you sick. Then you have to go for medical treatment and those God damn doctors more than likely will kill you because of their evil ways and they're marching orders from the fucking insurance companies.

[–] 0 pt 1y (edited 1y)

The FDA can no longer be trusted

Not only the FDA, how about the CIA, FBI, NEA, ...?

I can't believe the FDA would approve this

You need to get over your cognitive dissonance. You can not trust your government or (((big pharma))).

I know he was murdered by Remdesivir

This is like blaming the gun. Someone ordered him killed.

I refused Remdesivir, and I refused the ventilator. But they find other ways to take you out.

The enemy has many weapons.

Despite it all, I believe we're going to get justice

Only if you try. Don't expect others to do your work.