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[–] 1 pt 1y

I look at events like this as a good way to clean out the gene pool. Unfortunately, the niggers already start spawning their niglets at age 10 or 11. The White people who are addicted, are not all from the lower end of the gene pool, but the fact that they are going this route with crack, etc., convinces me that it is efficacious for them to be eliminated via the most expedient means possible. White people who fight the good fight and recover into a Sober Life are worth saving and respecting for their battles.

[–] 1 pt 1y

I'm going to have to go ahead and you know agree with you on this. These people are taking over the sidewalks and other areas in cities. They mike life unlivable there for decent people and they are dangerous. How long before they get shipped to the Burbs? I don't believe the vast majority can or want to be saved and there are no more asylums so......