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This is what you should say to any parent of a child with autism, nervous, or auto-immune diseases, because 99% of the time, it's true.

This is what you should say to any parent of a child with autism, nervous, or auto-immune diseases, because 99% of the time, it's true.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 1y

My brother’s wife’s brother (his brother-in-law) is a high functioning autistic, and their parents said he was a perfectly healthy boy meeting all of his developmental milestones, and went in for a vaccine and was a whole different person within two weeks. He’s high functioning so he can live on his own, but requires somebody to check in on him once every day or two. They couldn’t remember the specific vaccine but they know that’s what did it. And there’s a lot of stories just like his.

[–] 1 pt 1y

Oh, your child is "autistic"? That makes me sad for both you and your child and who they might have been. "Vaccines" are proven to kill a lot of children, and those who do not die can be permanently disfigured both mentally and physically. At least your child is still "alive" - at least in some respects. Try to be thankful for that at least. It's unfortunate, but that is all you have left that you can be thankful for because it was made illegal for anyone to sue "vaccine" manufacturers if and when their injections kill or destroy a child's mind and/or body. They've been given full immunity from damages despite knowing that their injections can and do kill and maim children that they are injected into. Also, the people responsible for giving this immunity from damages to the manufacturers also used to either work for those manufacturers, or they are given high-paying jobs at them immediately after they leave their political job where they are supposed to be responsible for oversight and regulation of those manufacturers. Strange cohencidence, isn't it.

[–] 1 pt 1y

@Boone, I'm sorry about your vaccine injuries.