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History repeats.

Small pox, not polio, mt

TL:DR comic artist finds doll in parents attic that his mother made and his daughter requested that she put a face on it. He drew inspiration from her play time with the doll. Children began to be forced inoculated during school hours without parent or child consent for polio. It killed his little girl.

History repeats. **Small pox, not polio, mt** TL:DR comic artist finds doll in parents attic that his mother made and his daughter requested that she put a face on it. He drew inspiration from her play time with the doll. Children began to be forced inoculated during school hours without parent or child consent for polio. It killed his little girl.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

The injections were thought to be 2% effective but became the poster child as to why everyone should be vaxxed.

Later, many advocate aspirin and injections account for the Spanish Flu.

[–] 1 pt 3y

The first polio vaccine was in 1955. You may be thinking of smallpox

[–] 0 pt 3y (edited 3y)

Yes my mistake, it is small pox. I don't know why I put polio. Thanks for catching my error!