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Watch the video. His stunts were used as justification for the bolshevik "hate speech" laws in Florida.

One of the first things jews do historically when they take total control is make criticizing them a crime. Look at the bolsheviks in Russia.

I believe they accelerated this process by creating the "HT" character, who did all manner of things that would sway public support in favor of these laws giving jews special protections not enjoyed by others.

Watch the video. His stunts were used as justification for the bolshevik "hate speech" laws in Florida. One of the first things jews do historically when they take total control is make criticizing them a crime. Look at the bolsheviks in Russia. I believe they accelerated this process by creating the "HT" character, who did all manner of things that would sway public support in favor of these laws giving jews special protections not enjoyed by others.

(post is archived)

[–] -1 pt

He literally names the jew in legal ways, kikes clamp down on what's legal and that makes him a kike? You are really stretching it there. What else is he or anyone supposed to do but what he is already doing? Talk on poal.co? Talk on cuckchan? Make totally ebin maymays to share with the few dozen people on this one tiny website they know about? The only jew anywhere near this thread is you and the jew idea you have. This is written about in The Turner Diaries - people like "you" who hold back any progress against jewish control because everything is jewish because it inevitably is used by jews to clamp down. The problem here is then are now fit, White males all jews? Because they are a prime attack vector of jews. Are people who eat eggs raw and uncooked jews? Because that's a point of attack jews have. Are people who eat meat jews? ... etc.

[–] 0 pt

I'm not stretching anything. I had that faggot HT pegged from the moment I saw his first "Sasha Baron Cohen-esque" skit on twitch with the two cute college girls. It was fake and gay, over the top, and obviously scripted. The rest of this bullshit and now the hate crime law just confirms my suspicions.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

So then what is to be done? You suggest doing it in an extremely low population area like Idaho? And that's going to get anything done? That won't get a reaction, the reaction HT is pulling out of the jews in Florida is the reason for the location choice. Over-reatcions like this (the jews' reactions on video and this person's in the submitted video) are not to cast aside. This is precisely what we need. This is positive. The (((laws))) are irrelevant and meaningless. I for one remember and recall over the last near decade now the comment sections online and even in public of normies toward jews, people are beginning to notice. This type of thing must happen.

Otherwise you do it in Idaho, 3 people see it, 0 people react, 0 people remember, 0 people care except the (((adl))) and (((lawmakers))) and the (((law))) gest made anyway. For you to think it wouldn't just confirms your sub 80 IQ.

[–] 0 pt

Simple, call out HT for being a controlled op faggot, and expose the kike lawmakers in Florida for their false flag. Get popular support against unconstitutional "hate speech" laws. Bring up the Red Terror. Bring up bolshevism. Help people become aware that this is going to be used as a weapon against them, just like it was in the past.