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[–] 1 pt 11d

Recovering signals of ghost archaic introgression in African populations [19 percent archaic DNA not found in asians or caucasians] 'While introgression from Neanderthals and Denisovans has been documented in modern humans outside Africa...Our results reveal the substantial contribution of archaic ancestry in shaping the gene pool of present-day West African populations. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.aax5097

The cost of Black America 'Over the course of an average 79-year lifespan, a white individual contributes a net $220,805 to the system, whereas over the course of an average 75-year lifespan, a black individual receives a net $751,200.' '...Hispanics are already a bigger cumulative net drain on the economy, $411,950,000,000 to $389,710,000,000.' https://voxday.net/2017/06/30/the-cost-of-black-america/ Fiscal Impact of Whites, Blacks and Hispanics [2014] https://newamericangovernment.org/fiscal-impact-of-whites-blacks-and-hispanics/ Welcome to the New Age: Breaking Down SNAP/EBT Card Usage by Race and County [2013] https://www.unz.com/sbpdl/welcome-to-new-age-breaking-down/ Violent Crime Victims By Race And Ethnicity-Who’s Victimized Most? [2022] crimes reported to law enforcement https://www.crimeinamerica.net/violent-crime-victims-by-race-and-ethnicity-whos-victimized-most/

[–] 1 pt 12d (edited 12d)

We need to take the jew gloves off and implement a breeding program for niggers. All niggers get an IQ test and psychological evaluation at age 7. Low IQ impulsive niggers are sent to a special open air animal reserve in Long Island New York where they can live with their jewish importers. Long Island will be walled off from the rest of the country. Guns, ammo, and fried chicken will be airdropped in daily until the problem resolves itself.