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Feral nigger sentenced to be a state sponsored dependent after targeting and killing a three year old child.

What an awful, evil trade.

Edit: Video of the attack(youtu.be)

Feral nigger sentenced to be a state sponsored dependent after targeting and killing a three year old child. What an awful, evil trade. Edit: [Video of the attack](https://youtu.be/lyI2gVPIg7Y?t=44)

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 3 pts 5mo
[–] 8 pts 5mo

I am so fucking tired of this "excuse" If you are too stupid to stand trial for crimes like murder/rape/incest/etc then the outcome is execution. You do not belong in society and I am not giving you a "free pass" because you are a fucking moron.

I am done with this. I also include the "under 18" population. You want to make "adult" decisions/actions you get "adult" punishments. You fucking kill someone when you are 5, 10, 17? You go to jail for life and if the correct states you are executed.

[–] 7 pts 5mo

It would seem that the only thing niggers are competent at, is killing Whites. Judge jewish? (Not even going to look. If not, judge was told how to rule.)

I'll add "incompetent to stand trial" to my list of euphemisms for niggers.

[–] 3 pts 5mo

What a surprise the hominid murders a White child and walks free. Just like the hollacost survivers ordered.

[–] 3 pts 5mo

incompetent to stand trial

If she can't be held accountable to Our laws, then she didn't fucking belong here.

For the Whites who are deemed such, deport. For the non-Whites, exterminate.

This applies to literally every person in the United States.

It's really that easy.

Separate from this, I wonder which nigger-loving, (((filthy degenerate public defender))) petitioned the court for this decision.

[–] 3 pts 5mo

Sheboon gets a pass because #1: White kid. #2: It acts normal in court therefore the White Progressives who never encounter niggers in the wild think she’s crazy.

[–] 2 pts 5mo

Yep and the video looks erratic but shows clear premeditation

[–] 2 pts 5mo

There was another ape that murdered a kid about the same age, think they threw the kid off a balcony at the mall?

Basically got slapped on the wrist and sent on his way. Yet when they murder their own kids they get sentenced hard

[–] 1 pt 5mo

Yes it was at mall of America. They even said they targeted a white child and got off

[–] 2 pts 5mo

Put it down. That's what you do with dangerous animals.

[–] 2 pts 5mo

Alright, right to the gallows then?

This doesn't give the victims family any justice. Absolutely disgusting.

[–] 2 pts 5mo

It's trial should have consisted of the racking of a shotgun. Way too quick but at least it would be dealt with in a future-proof way..

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