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[–] 9 pts 6mo

It's what they know. Monthly (free) payments from the government forever, taken from White and Asian tax payers.

If you gave that nigger $1 million, it would be spent in ~10-15 days and they would be back to where they were. That $50/mo is more smokes/weed/40's/etc.

It's almost like the moron was watching tv and someone talked about MRR and they were like "lightbulb! as long as I get extra $$$ every month that is MMR and ill be RICH!".

[–] 6 pts 6mo

It would take 1666 years to earn a million dollars at 50 a month...

[–] 1 pt 6mo

Ya but, but, he's good at maffs!

[–] 0 pt 6mo

And nothing to show for it, at least with the million they could get themselves on the news and a lifetime place to live behind bars.

[–] 5 pts 6mo

Niggers are retarded.

Even if you just took the $1,000,000 and put it in an interest bearing account at say 5%.....

[–] 5 pts 6mo

It'll use the $50 / month on scratchers to try and win a million dollars.

[–] 3 pts 6mo

If you lived for 80 years you'd get 48k.

Now if you said "Do you want $50 a month or maybe you have a chance of winning $1M but the odds are shit," then sure...getting $50 a month may be a reasonable choice.

[–] 2 pts 6mo

If it was $50 a day and you lived 60 years, it would be just over 1 million, and it would still be a bad choice.

[–] 1 pt 6mo (edited 6mo)

5% return on $1MM is $50k a year.