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[–] 1 pt 2mo

Someone should write a fantasy horror show starring Griffin about being sent to a Trump Internment Camp for Extreme TDS and all the drama that ensues. That might have an instant following. Rosie could even get work, the diesel dyke in cell 69.

[–] 1 pt 2mo

Part 1. The Arrival.

The white driverless Tesla "Electric Paddy Wagon" pulled up to the receiving hatch and push up gently against it. A metallic chunk as grabbers attached to the bars on it's back, pulling the van tight against the rubber seal. Doors opened with a soft hiss, and a single figure was pushed into the receiving cage by the ejector panel in the van. A belt pulled the figure forward, just clearing a metal grate that slammed down.

The figure turned to see the van's doors close before it silently drove away, ready to capture it's next social justice warrior.

A slatternly woman stood in the dark cage, a small mount of light filtering in from a hole far above. Matted red hair and dark circles adorned it face as it took in the cramped surroundings. Just as she thought she had her balance back after the terrifying ride in the van, a loud horn blared "MOVEMENT WILL COMMENCE. USE GRAB HANDLES ABOVE TO BRACE. MOVEMENT WILL COMMENCE."

She just had time to frantically reach up and grab the handles above her as the cage jerked forward. It moved with hesitating creaks before a large set of doors opened in front of her, flooding the are with light. As she stared forward, a sight that could not be.

Her attention was suddenly taken by the fact that the cage was almost dropped into a tub on what looked like a rail car. Hooks came out of sockets, latching into the bars and securing the cage on the car. It was then she noticed the two figures at the front.

Chairs swiveled around and two men in black uniforms, shiny boots, and snappy hats stood in unison. Goose-stepping towards her, they stopped, snapped a quick salute, and stared at the imprisoned woman.


"I am Enoch" said the man on the left. "I am Elijah," the one on the right replied. She stared at them. chiseled faces of alabaster framed icy blue eyes, blonde fuzz peeking out from under their smart hats. Michelangelo could not have carved more perfect examples of the White people. The woman was sick, the beauty of what was in front of her flew in the face of all she held dear.

"We are here to rehabilitate you!" they said in unison.

"Where...this...how did we get here? This is in P...."

Enoch and Elijah laughed mirthlessly. "Not any more!" cried Enoch. "Fuhrer Trump, Sieg Heil! bought it and brought it here!" shouted Elijah.

"Where...where is here?"

"Nebraska!" they cried.

With that, the two - they could only be twins - turned with practiced precision and returned to their seats. Facing forward, Enoch touched a button on the control panel in front of him. A red, stylized "T" lit up and the rail car moved silently forward toward the familiar building, with it's rails threading through the peaked-roof arch.

The woman looked around, suddenly noticing the crowds. How had she not seen them? Thousands of White Men and Women shouted at her, jeering, calling her names. There was nowhere to go, nowhere to hide, she sobbed at things that she had once called those around her were tossed back at her. Finally, they approached the archway, and the last thing she heard before the crowds were silenced was "WELCOME TO THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WHORE! SIEG HEIL!"

To Be Continued

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[–] 1 pt 2mo

I can't wait for the Liz Cheney episodes! In fact I can't wait to see all of the episodes!

[–] 1 pt 2mo

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