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What the f***?

What the f***?

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts 2y

As is their Orwellian nature, they have just redefined the term "White Supremacist", it no longer has anything to do with the color of the skin of the one accused of same, it merely indicates that that person does not fully support the radical Marxist agenda.

The time for talking with these people has long passed, and now even the ability to discuss even the most basic of ideas with them is vanishing fast as they redefine words to suit their twisted world view. They will sound like they are speaking English, but they will not be able to understand you and you will not be able to understand them. This seems somewhat irreconcilable.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 2y

Your supremacisticity of hooowytivism is showing bigot!