I loved the Internet back in the day. There were no virtue signalers and it felt like censorship didn't exist. I met people off IRC and they were geeks like me.
Sure people were nasty to me. Just like now, I just rolled my eyes. Back then I could kick them from my server, though. It was wild when they heard my voice for the first time on the team speak server I ran for my friends. All kinds of name calling and whatnot. Whatever.
Even to this day my best friends are trolls. I hate that so many rules got put all over socializing on the Internet.
Pathetic weak minded morons started using the internet in-mass and decided that it needed to be a "safe space".
Fuck those people.
I ran servers, IRC's, mailing lists, etc.. I banned assholes that went too far over the line but only a temp ban with a note to why. I didn't remove content unless it was illegal. No, on the flip side. I also temp-banned people that called for censorship or bans.
Free speech, enforced with the power of the ban-hammer.
I blame Obamaphones for a huge part of it. Everyone, retarded or no ended up with a government paid smart phone. When everyone had access to the Internet it ruined it for the rest of us. Once anything becomes mainstream it's ruined by whiners.