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Stuff like this has been a thing for a VERY long time. It is still stupid as fuck and very effective at killing brain cells.

Archive: https://archive.today/TmmuI

From the post:

>Videos of teens getting light headed, falling over and crashing cars are circulating on social media and getting millions of views thanks to a wildly popular product called Galaxy Gas. It's a can of flavored nitrous oxide, also known as whippets or laughing gas, that is supposed to be used in whipped cream, cocktails and coffees. Instead, people are inhaling the gas, which acts on the nervous system and gives the user a minute-long head rush and a euphoric, tingly feeling. In response, Galaxy Gas has paused sales of it's product.

Stuff like this has been a thing for a VERY long time. It is still stupid as fuck and very effective at killing brain cells. Archive: https://archive.today/TmmuI From the post: >>Videos of teens getting light headed, falling over and crashing cars are circulating on social media and getting millions of views thanks to a wildly popular product called Galaxy Gas. It's a can of flavored nitrous oxide, also known as whippets or laughing gas, that is supposed to be used in whipped cream, cocktails and coffees. Instead, people are inhaling the gas, which acts on the nervous system and gives the user a minute-long head rush and a euphoric, tingly feeling. In response, Galaxy Gas has paused sales of it's product.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 4mo

I would be more worried about the flavoring than the NO₂. One would have to do a lot of whippets to cause actual nuerological damage. Habitual usage is not good. A couple one offs here or there is no biggy. A drug is a tool. The tool itself does nothing. It's all about who is using the tool and how they use it.

[–] 3 pts 4mo

Also adapts the darwin theory. The idiot teen who ODs doesn't grow up to pump out idiot teens of their own.

[–] 0 pt 4mo

Yeah, this is still stupid and can be psychologically addicting leading to worse things like huffing paint. Then again, the article keeps talking about them basically passing out after taking a "hit" and often falling. That could be a real problem. You fall in the wrong place and hit your head, you never get up again or end up with some brain damage or something. It just is not worth it.

[–] 1 pt 4mo (edited 4mo)

I don't disagree, but at the same time I somewhat do. All things can be psychologically addictive. That's not even a rational argument. I did plenty of whippets as a teen and never once did I pass out or did I witness anyone else pass out. We used pure NO₂. We also didn't go driving around or use it at school. Notice in all the videos online the users are 90% niggers that most likey stole the shit from walmart. It's the flavorings and other additives that are causing the idiots to pass out. Drugs are not a scary thing and should not be treated as such. If kids were properly educated about drugs this wouldn't be an issue. EVERYONE uses drugs whether they know it or not. Most drugs are safe. It's a lack of education and open mindedness that gives them a bad rap. Why doesn't anyone villify alcohol? Whatever fits the narrative I guess...

[–] 0 pt 4mo

Not going to argue. Still going to say it's stupid. Especially the fucking morons doing it driving. Those fucks should be in jail or at a minimum not allowed to drive for a long time. That is just retarded.

I had a friend that was smoking pot while driving with me in the car without even telling me. He said "its fine, its not like its alcohol". This fucker was using a massive ass pipe and holding the wheel with his leg going 50+mph when he just pulled it out and I had no idea he would do it as he never had before. I stopped riding with him after that. He wrecked ~3 cars after and luckily he was the only one that got a little fucked up.

Also, Yeah, alcohol is bad too. Don't do that shit. Especially don't do that shit and drive.

Caffeine is a drug, much of the world population is hooked on it and using it daily. Some drugs have more downsides/problems than others but anything taken to excess or done in stupid situations is a hazard not just to you but others and should not be done.

[–] 2 pts 4mo

Great. Second one of these I've read about.

Here's the real problem. The government, namely the DEA, is going to try to reclassify/schedule nitrous oxide and make sales illegal without a license.

This will upset many stoned dishwashers in many kitchens across the country.

[–] 1 pt 4mo

Your dishwashers were just using that? What kind of weak ass kitchen was that?

[–] 1 pt 4mo

Yeah, I don't let my dishwasher get high. She needs to be sober when she is cleaning.

[–] 2 pts 4mo

The more things change, the more they stay the same

[–] 1 pt 4mo

Niggers are so amazing.


[–] 1 pt 4mo

The evidence is abundant and continues to mount: This generation are kid-gloved coddled pussies. The fact that they cannot hold their Nitrous is an irredeemable embarrassment.

[–] 1 pt 4mo

yeah, Ok, I would not normally upvote that but that made me chuckle a little.