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[–] 5 pts 1y

Crabs in a bucket. If you are a smart nigger that wins the lottery, your first move should be to move far away from other niggers!

[–] 2 pts 1y

Lol. Even worse. He won 30k. The chain cost 20k.

[–] 1 pt 1y

Nigga be flossing wit datt bling den he got jacked Dass how we do in da D muthafukka

[–] 1 pt 1y

His only real mistake was flaunting it in front of niggers. Let's face it, banks aren't safe. Your money could be determined to be guilty of a crime even though you dindu nuttin!

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 1y

Dats mine chain nigga gimmi dat!!

[–] 1 pt 1y

A great case for reparations