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[–] 1 pt

There's some interesting things to note about Floyd's behavior while he's in the store.

Firstly, he's clearly under the influence. He is showing the "jitters" that meth heads display (oh look at that- meth in his system!), seems very excited and happy about something- I believe this is "dupers delight". Ever hear of that? "Duper's delight" is easy to observe in bad liars, like children- often when children are trying to lie, there might be a little smirk that appears on their face. They know what they're doing is wrong, and they think "Haha, I'm fooling this sucker, I'm so good, I'm about to get away with this!" That's duper's delight. Good criminals/liars will not show this, unless intoxicated or something.

Here, Floyd thinks he's about to pass off this fake $20 and get real cash to go outside and pay his waiting drug dealer. He is so proud of himself, he is exuding confidence, approaching and bothering other customers, dancing around, drawing a lot of attention to himself- all signs that this guy is up to something. It's the old "Hm hm hm, I'm just shopping, nothing to see here, hello fellow shoppers!" trick.

But you can see him almost physically deflate when the cashier confronts him. "Sheeeeit, he ain't buyin' it, I gots ta go somewhere else". I think the cashier mentioned the police, because you can see Floyd's body language suddenly turn from "very open and inviting" to "defensive and nervous". He goes outside to the car, but unfortunately for him, Officer Chauvin just happened to be nearby when the call came in.

Knowing that this was a drug deal clarifies everything. I remember watching the vid for the first time, and wondering "Why is this nigger so surprised/startled?" It's because he had his drug dealer in the car, and they were in the middle of business; serious business, felony drug dealing.

[–] 0 pt

Spot on analysis.

I wonder if the jury will cuck and find Chauvin guilty of doing absolutely nothing wrong. This whole case has been top not Clown World entertainment though.

[–] 1 pt

Did you see Steven Crowder reenact the incident? It might still be up on YouTube, but he basically proved that a big man with a pretty serious heart condition can survive a knee on the neck for 10 minutes. I'd argue that they were harder on Crowder than the cops were on Floyd- Floyd was actually able to turn his head from side to side the entire time.

You know, while we're all jabbering about the details of this case, we're overlooking something that seems to have been overlooked for hundreds of years. I don't think the cops are so much of a problem. IT'S THE FUCKING COURTS.

The nigger that sparked the Kenosha riots- the one who took the taser from the cop and tried to shoot him in the face with it? I can never remember his name, but that nigger was 27 years old. He'd been charged, convicted, and sentenced for like dozens of crimes. His total sentence time was 31 years. He was 27 years old. Why was he not in prison on that night he decided to get blackout drunk, drive to Wendy's and pass out in the drive-thru?

HE WAS LITERALLY SENTENCED TO MORE YEARS THAN HE HAD BEEN ALIVE AT THAT POINT WHY WASN'T HE IN PRISON!? The answer: because some fucking judge let him out. JUDGES need to start being held accountable for these absurd decisions they make, allowing clearly dangerous MENACES back out onto the streets. Then one of them gets killed in a fight with the police, setting off nationwide riots.... and where is the root cause? Well, the nigger is the root cause, but nobody holds niggers accountable for their actions, so barring that- THE KENOSHA RIOTS WERE A RESULT OF A FUCKING JUDGE ALLOWING THAT DANGEROUS NIGGER OUT OF PRISON FAR, FAR, FAR EARLIER THAN HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN. THAT JUDGE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THE DEATHS, DAMAGES, AND INJURIES CAUSED BY THE RIOTS THAT CAME ABOUT FROM THE DEATH OF THAT NIGGER

But judges are fucking untouchable. What if it was possible to sue a judge for releasing a dangerous criminal early who goes on to murder someone? Even better, they should have criminal charges for it. What's the point in putting a number on a prison sentence? The reality is "Ok Tyrone, you've been found guilty. You have been sentenced to 30 nigger-years in prison. Fortunately for you, 30 nigger-years equates to... carry the 4... subtract the excess.... 3 months prison time, 6 months probation. See you soon, Tyrone! Also, I'm sorry for your loss- I know it must hurt that you murdered your own mother."

[–] 0 pt

Completely agreed, the courts are out of fucking control. Niggers and jews and Marxist shitheels should never be allowed to be judges.