If some antifa faggots can break a criminal out of jail we should be able to rise up and free an innocent man if it comes down to it. Any guards, police officers, or government agents that interfere are forfeiting their right to life.
How'd you get the suspicious tag? You seem to fit right in :)
Downvoted qtards and faggots too much, and the dumbfuck owner of this site doesn't like it when people use the button he provided for them to use, because he knows it is usually used to downvote qtards and migafaggots, because he is a qtard migafaggot.
Oy to the vey, trust the plan goy! The magical plan with the 794D chess. It may look like it's not working, but that's just proof that it's working.
You get it for downvoting a lot
antifags jailbroke their fellow faggot?
Well not really, but supposedly covid cleaning crew just happened to leave the jail cell unlocked as antifa was rioting outside the station to free the faggot. Dont feel like googling for the story but it was all over a day or two ago, shouldn't be hard to find.
(post is archived)