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[–] 0 pt last month

That's a Japanese-style toilet that enables you to wash your hands after using the toilet. It is not intended to be a full lavatory and should not replace one. I'm pretty sure this "apartment" is owned by a jewish slumlord cutting as many corners as possible for maximum shekels. If this woman chooses to live in a (((blue))) city like a captive animal instead of a traditional lifestyle where she could have proper bathroom amenities, well that's on her then. She wants this (((urban lifestyle))) that will use her up and give her nothing of value in return. I have no sympathy for her.

[–] 0 pt last month

And to think modern women choose to live this way. No rational person would. This is very much the result of intense brainwashing.

[–] 0 pt last month

That sink/toilet design is strange but it's not a new thing. What's more appalling is the $2000/monthly rent.