You have got to be fucking kidding me....
This is so god damn stupid anyone that supports it or drafted it should be fired and maybe put in jail to protect the public against their stupidity.
From the post:
>A new law is being considered by New York's state legislature, reports a local news outlet. "if passed, will require anyone buying a 3D printer to pass a background check. If you can't legally own a firearm, you won't be able to buy one of these printers..."
You have got to be fucking kidding me....
This is so god damn stupid anyone that supports it or drafted it should be fired and maybe put in jail to protect the public against their stupidity.
From the post:
>>A new law is being considered by New York's state legislature, reports a local news outlet. "if passed, will require anyone buying a 3D printer to pass a background check. If you can't legally own a firearm, you won't be able to buy one of these printers..."
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