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The United Federation of Teachers is gearing up for a war with the city over the fate of more than 15,000 educators who have yet to receive the COVID-19 vaccination with classes set to begin in days.

Teachers union chief Michael Mulgrew said Thursday that City Hall has vowed to remove all unvaccinated staffers from payroll without exception including those with religious or medical objections.

“Our impact negotiations with the city have gone to a very bad place,” Mulgrew told reporters after a Town Hall with members. “It’s clear that the two sides are very very far apart when it comes to this vaccine mandate.”

The union said it would now seek to arbitrate the issue along with other labor groups.

> The United Federation of Teachers is gearing up for a war with the city over the fate of more than 15,000 educators who have yet to receive the COVID-19 vaccination — with classes set to begin in days. > Teachers union chief Michael Mulgrew said Thursday that City Hall has vowed to remove all unvaccinated staffers from payroll without exception — including those with religious or medical objections. > “Our impact negotiations with the city have gone to a very bad place,” Mulgrew told reporters after a Town Hall with members. “It’s clear that the two sides are very very far apart when it comes to this vaccine mandate.” > The union said it would now seek to arbitrate the issue along with other labor groups.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts 3y

Funny, where are the liberals now proclaiming my body my choice? Even with abortions, liberals are all about having you "choose" as long as the decision you make is kill the baby. If you decide to keep the baby, all of a sudden you're satan, even though it was your choice

[–] 1 pt 3y (edited 3y)

15,000 teachers in one city? Something tells me they are lying about the % of vaxxed.

Nevermind. It's NY

[–] 0 pt 3y

the more knowledgeable a person is the lower percentage of vaccinations. doc, nurses, fire fighters, teachers

[–] 1 pt 3y

They'll fold. The national teachers union used to be antivaxx. Then not long after they were provaxx.

[–] 0 pt 3y

if the government gets massively downsized and shit still runs as usual isnt that a good thing? it will prove the vast corruption and incompetence of the teachers unions leadership, grab the popcorn this will be fun

[–] 1 pt 3y

grab the popcorn this will be fun

My point in sharing the link!

[–] 0 pt 3y

If you homeschool your kids like everyone should, then this would be of no concern to you either way.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Blanket rules are why we are here. I don't want to be a teacher I want good teachers to teach. Do you think you could paint a complete car tomorrow? Everyone should repair their own collision damage! If you knew how shitty most auto body shops really are you would want to do thor own repairs on your $75k suburbans.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Little children are easily taught by their mother to read and write and do basic math.

When they get older is where it gets tricky but by then you should at least have instilled many good values in them.