(sand)niggers are well, very well protected species in europe.
If the White people of the EU as a whole is this cucked out. Then the EU is done, and game over their great reset is complete. We are not far off with the lack of energy, organization, grassroot movements, and zero fucks given by the American people as a whole. A few people here and there is not enough. We lack the numbers.
White people of the EU
You mean the jewish puppets ?
Look what the tribe has been able to accomplish with significantly fewer numbers. Existential pressure will force whites to become tougher if they are to survive (assuming the elites can’t pull off their technocracy). I’d say by about 2040-2050 the Euros will start throwing shit skins out, and honestly, I believe that was the entire point of the degeneration of the West — to reconstruct as a Fascist Technocracy, and to have whites embrace this ideal.
Yeah trust the plan white people getting stronger /s
they will all be jailed eventually so it will not matter.
Time to pulling their heads out of their collective asses was when the first sand nigger wave started coming in. Demoralization is a code word for the lack of balls to standing up to this bullshit. Demoralization happened when EVERYONE kept waiting for somebody else to do something about it. By the way. All talk and no action is the easy way out. He yelled at those sand niggers REALLY good. That will show them, and make them go home! Did it work? Fuck NO. They are still coming into the EU. All that coffee to the EU creamers won't stir anyone up.
Demoralization is a code word for the lack of balls to standing up to this bullshit.
Its not even a code word. Its a synonym. Bystander effect in full play.
They are still coming into the EU. All that coffee to the EU creamers won't stir anyone up.
A lot of us would go to europe and organize them if we weren't broke.
Same applies to a lot of euros on home soil .
You think anyones happy with whats being done to our brothers in Australia?
Or Austria?
Or Britain?
Or Germany?
Of course not.
See Kyle!
Kyle, who likes THICC butts and BLM, who magically shot 3 kike criminals while surrounded by fed cameras during an internationally incited race riot.... I see kyle, do you?
Based kid will always be White fuck them. He showed more bravery than his countrymen. They can punish him but that rebel salute will never be forgotten by the shitskins.
How would that offend moslims?
Because if such a movement got going it would empower whites, non-whites would be cast out of Western nations that embraced the ideology, the gibs and free rape sex would come to an end, and the exiled Muzzies once back in their homelands have a chance of being stonedt to death for doing the things that they get away with in the West.
That's what started the crusades
It was a roman salute...
>The group of foreign perpetrators
The sand nigger rapist, shitskins should have to watch the NZ mosque shooting on repeat for 6 hours. These muslim scum bring it on themselves. Racist and hateful, terrorist fucks.
The government imports boatloads of disgusting vile niggers,then wonders why this is happening?
Yes that's how it works
"I am not the man who will be guilty of nothing."
(post is archived)