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[–] 3 pts 3y

After several generations of polygamy, male populations will become rapey, because the most genetically successful men in polygamous society have rapey traits (high violence and libido)

The Quran does not magically make people rapists. There is a reason pakistanis are far more rapey than hindus. Genetics.

[–] 4 pts 3y

They're also hideously inbred

[–] 0 pt 3y

Hideously ugly and if it wasn't for rape, they'd never get laid - (almost quoting) Brad

[–] 0 pt 3y

That depends on which muzzies/polygamists you are talking about. But there does seem to be a cluster of people in pakistan / india that are pretty inbred because of a total lack of prohibition on cousin marriage in small villages. Hindus have this problem too. The problem might be due to a higher rate of arranged marriage as well.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Right. I forget the exact numbers but arab muslims average around 50% 1st cousin marriages. Pakis and afghans are in the 70% range. Turks and persians much lower. No idea for southeast asian muslims. Ive seen no data for african muslims but its probably incredibly high. Even non muslim africans inbreed like crazy.

[–] 1 pt 3y

The Quran does not magically make people rapists.

Rapists wrote the Quran to codify and justify their own proclivities.

All peoples do this when they create their religions.

Talmudism reflects the nature of the Jew. Shinto reflects the nature of the Jap-man. Christianity reflects the nature of the White man.

[–] 0 pt 3y

The quran was authored by an arab bedouin. Is every muslim an ethnic arab bedouin? No? But they are basically all corrupt and rapey and head choppy. Pakistanis. Sri lankans. Rohingya. Albanians. Muslim philipinos. Indonesians. Chechnyans. Bosnians. Even christian nigerians complain of how violent Muslim Nigerians are. How come? Magical book? No. Their rule set (pig out on as many women as you can afford) had an unintended GENETIC consequence. When the most violent, greedy, sexually agressive men are allowed to be 4x as reproductively successful as THE AVERAGE man in the community, the population is FLOODED with genes for greedy violent rapists.

Polygamy incentivizes rape, violence, child brides, economic stagnation, low IQ, economic disparity, low trust, corruption, incels, ... I could go on. Its basically an evolutionary certainty.

Quran was the basis of the rule change. But the mechanism is purely evolutionary. Polygamy is the engine that drives Islamic expansion in fact. Older high status males hoard young available females causing a scarcity of available females among younger and middle and lower class males. Which is a perpetual state leading to high numbers of incels fighting with each other (they too are the decendents of rapey violent polygamists). Islam sublimates this problem by sending angry incels off to fight jihad in foreign lands and take as many females as they please there. They are promised women even if they die which is exactly what angry incels want to hear. After so many generations of islam and polygamy, the males in conquered societies become more stupid and violent than they were before patriarchal polygamy.

Christianity forces men to be monogamists which means they will compete by proving they will be a high quality dad through economically useful skills and being a non-psycho. Monogamist focus more on being productive to win the highest value female and by impressing her with their “personality”. Muslim polygamists just buy their wives.

Is christianity responsible for white guys being nice? Or is it monogamy?


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[–] 0 pt 3y

I don’t think pakis are that huge on polygamy, that’s more an arab or Muslim thing because it’s encouraged by the religion. Pakis are basically Hindus larping as muzzies. It seems to be more of a race thing rather than religion, tbh

[–] 0 pt 3y

City pakis, maybe not; but some of those hill pakis are major polygamists. If it weren’t they would outlaw it. Apparently it is very common in Sindh province. Ive read some disgusting accounts of some areas when many men have 20 or 30 kids.

Just reading up on it and it appears theyve been discouraging it alot since the 1980s by requiring permission by the previous wife or wives. Which a lot of women are not going to go for. But you would need 5 or 10 generations of monogamy to get rid of some of those polygamous behavioral traits.

I feel pretty confident that when we see paki grooming gangs in Britain we are looking at the genetic fall-out of polygamy. Polygamists have a tendency for young brides as well. Monogamists are notoriously late marriers. At least the females are. Again it is the r/K strategy divide.