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[–] 5 pts 3y (edited 3y)

At first I was angry, but then I scrolled down to see the snopes deboonking. Now I am furious. snopes and the rest of the left wing kikefaggots need to burn for what they have done along with the niggers who are committing these heinous crimes.

[–] 2 pts 3y

They are trying to say it was just a robbery. Uh, no. When you just want to rob someone, you stick to robbing them. Especially an elderly woman who most likely put up zero resistance. Breaking her limbs, cutting her and then burning her served what purpose in the robbery? No, it served no purpose other than to torment her for being white. In a just world these perps would be tied to a post tormented the same way then burned to death. Unfortunately we live in a clown world where they are excused on account of being poor black kids who didn't know any better.