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[–] 1 pt 4y

For anyone who has never had the pleasure of visiting England’s second city I cannot overstate what an absolute shithole it is. The architecture seems to be intentionally hideous, their accent is truly awful, you seem to wander between Delhi and Kabul in that town, and I’ve seen hospitals and rehab facilities with a lower proportion of cappers. That said, there is nowhere on earth where you will get a better curry than in Birmingham.

[–] 0 pt 4y

Who will make the food?!??!

[–] 1 pt 4y

I can remember Brum when it was just starting to get bad. The Birminghamistan nickname hadn't quite taken hold yet.

[–] 1 pt 4y

There is a town in Yorkshire UK that is 100% muslim

Londonistan has already fallen

[–] 1 pt 4y

Press #1 for English

50,000?! gimme a break. . Literally millions of only mexicans here don't speak a lick of english, just the mexicans, not to mention asians, mudslimes, etc, etc..

[–] [deleted] 0 pt 4y

Same with Australia. Government information forms, election instructions, how to claim welfare... There's what seems to be 50,000 different languages versions.

[–] 0 pt 4y

And white funded welfare fuelling it all.

For those unaware, whites used to have private welfare associations: If you were a member of a community or professional group you'd join something like the masons or rotarians or a church, pay monthly dues, and you'd be covered if you got sick or died. The close knit nature of those groups meant it was hard for grifters to abuse the system, and impossible for a whole population of dindus to live off white labour.

Governments abolished the fraternal society system and replaced it with social welfare, so all the safeguards preventing white labour from being drained to fund dindu population explosion were removed.