Oh ok, cool. We here at 1st Bank of Mugbacks love using slang to communicate our relevance to the youths. Might as well call us the 1st Bank of MugBUCK, amirite fellow kid?
Yes I contributed a slang term for mugbacks and I created the mugs in the first place. I am now owed 5 mugbacks that I have yet to be paid.
I will consider your reparations request once we reopen that program. Additionally, bank loans may be making an appearance soon so that's another avenue. Private loans are still an option. Why don't you get Owlchemy or AOU to lend you some 'backs, and then as an added bonus you might win the 20 mugback grant if you end up gaining the most wealth by Thursday.
I’m calling shenanigans here I’m with @x0x7 are there even enough mugs in reserve?
(post is archived)