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[–] 1 pt 5mo

Plot twist, they are probably doing exactly that. This is to make US/NATO think these are high value but they are already decommissioned and are now being used as "bullet sponges".

Russia has a long history of tricking the US into expensive and stupid ploys. At one point they had something like 10 next-gen bombers (this was back in the 80's-90's) that they knew "American" spotters lived near the air base. Every single night they would repaint the tail numbers. This made the US think they had something like 80+ of these bombers when they really only had about 10.

Now, they are forcing American resources to re-train image-seeking weapons to try to see if a parked aircraft on the ground with tires on it is actually a useful target to attack. They could just start painting outlines of a aircraft on the ground and putting a bunch of tires on it and the missiles would then decide that the painting is worth attacking.