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[–] 2 pts 1y

No more retirement at 20 anymore

Not entirely sure on that, I've heard mixed things from different branches. Air Force and Space Force claim it still exists for officers, at least

Walmart is cheaper than the commissary

Not sure where you're located, but I have 2 commissaries near me, and both are cheaper than Walmart, Target, and ANY grocery store near me.

no one uses medical when you’re 20

Again, subjective.

living with 3 people in the same room even when the ship is in port

No where in the military did they claim it would be luxurious living. But that is also not the situation for many enlisted either. My area has PLENTY of enlisted, with families, living off base on BHA. Everyone's situation is different.

and working for less than money than any gas station job when you average in the number of hours actually worked.

And paying 1/3 of your check for medical, assuming it's even offered in the first place. No chance for retirement, or even a 401k. Paying full price for groceries. No allotment to help pay rent in part or in full. No VA loans. No USAA banking for cheaper insurance. Yeah, gas station is a much better choice.....

The only real upside is the technical training and bullet on the resume.

After discharge, ANYONE who serves and is honorable has preference in hiring for a job they are qualified for. Not only do they make better employees (in general, not always), but employers are giving tax incentives to hire them. So if you got ANY kind of technical training, there's a good chance when you're out you have avenues for good paying jobs. And that's assuming you decide not to do 20 or more.

I did way more years than my minimum, but I actually liked killing muzzies.

Thank you very much for your service, sir. And God bless you for your sacrifice

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[–] 2 pts 1y (edited 1y)

Va loans are a joke too. I ended up getting a conventional loan because the rates were far better, and even if so much as a doorknob is broken, it has to be fixed before they will allow the va loan to go through. VA loans are a bad joke unless you have completely ruined your credit.

It’s honestly funny hearing how good people who aren’t in the military think we have it. Sorry dude, most of what you’re putting down simply isn’t true. Having worked both sides of the equation myself I can tell you it’s just not what you think it to be, and we’re going to have to agree to disagree on almost everything you’re asserting, aside from low level job prospects with an honorable.

In any case, have a good evening.

[–] 0 pt 1y

I was talking va loans last night with a prior who has been able to purchase every one of his homes using one, the offered terms so good he has been able to keep the existing one he was moving from. 4 times now

[–] 1 pt 1y

It’s my understanding that you’re only allowed one va loan at a time. Suspicious to hear that’s dude has 4, but, I dunno man. I’m not an expert at that stuff. Ask I know is that my Conventional was almost 2% lower than the VA for me. 🤷🏻‍♂️

[–] 1 pt 1y

They are so fucking annoyingly stupid. They thought they would make 100k+/yr as a grunt and never have to do anything? What is wrong with these morons.

[–] 1 pt 1y

not a popular opinion around here, since everyone will just say your dying for jews

[–] 1 pt 1y

Yeah, well there is that. Still.