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Is involvement in Ukraine and Israel considered fighting for our country?

Is involvement in Ukraine and Israel considered fighting for our country?

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts 1y

Is involvement in Ukraine and Israel considered fighting for our country?

It is, goyim!

[–] 7 pts 1y

What country ? We don't have borders, one language or culture .

[–] 1 pt 1y

Very good point.

[–] 3 pts 1y

To further it, we, the Aryans, are told by our government and our media that we are second class. We are thieves of land and brutal occupiers. We shouldn’t have children because they perpetuate disease that is white peoples.

Want know a good way to kill patriotism? To kill live off one’s nation and culture? That will do it.

[–] 4 pts 1y

"If you look at our history, we need to be convinced to get into [a] war," David Eustice, CEO of Military Recruiting Experts, told Newsweek. While Americans needed a reason to support the war in Vietnam, he said, the war in Afghanistan "was immediate and had wide support because something happened to our country."

Very telling.

[–] 3 pts 1y

Hence all the false flags.

[–] 2 pts 1y

I completely expect the US government to attempt and then subsequently fuck up a false flag on US mainland that kills Americans. It would have to be something really bad too, like missiles flying

[–] 3 pts 1y

When wars are banker's wars and/or the military industrial complex wars, hell no! My country is gone. Only a faded memory of it survives. The CIA is a bully and creates conflicts around the world to spend taxpayer money and swap out hostile regimes with regimes controllable by Israel or Obama.

The headline should read: Americans are fed up with banker's wars and no longer want to contribute time, money and lives for Israel's hegemony.

[–] 3 pts 1y

I would argue that enough people have seen that America is a merc military fighting for other countries and when questioned about it, the answer is some sort of "well, destabilization in XYZ country would eventually lead to <bad for America> scenario" and aren't buying it anymore.

[–] 1 pt 1y

The optics of the Afghanistan withdraw certainty didn't help. All that loss of men and treasure for what? Then as soon as we exit that debacle they involve us in the Ukrainian bullshit.

[–] 2 pts 1y

While infantry recruits could be trained in a matter of week

Bullet catchers can be corralled in a matter of weeks

An effective infantry will take far longer with far greater resources. Even then, as history has shown, an invading force lined up against indigenous fundamentalism, is sisyphean at the least. If we had a political system that didn't have so much churn and turnover, efforts would have better efficacy in fostering a 'sense of duty' and maintaining a 'pride of ownership,' and that's one major reason we find ourselves in the current state... no one had to fight for what they have... it's all an inherent 'right'

[–] 2 pts 1y

OMFG! We're being overrun! An army of 2 million invaders has crossed our southern border! Quick! Send all our military might to israel to defend theirs.

[–] 2 pts 1y


Why would I fight for something that wants my entire family dead?

Real Americans won't fight for that.

Real Americans want to fight for their Country, not this country.

This country is a jew-infested nigger-loving shithole of derangement and lies that (((Congress))), and the appointed politi-kikes, and their fellow communists love so much.

Congress and their corruption and their love of jewish pilpul lies has become a parasite organ on the real America.

Congress is composed of coin-operated cowards who need White Men to die for a cause that is actively seeking the genocide of White People.

[–] 2 pts 1y

I like how they downplay and use parentheses for the "woke" aspect, like it's a conservative bogeyman that doesnt actually exist. Like it's not a reason people are turned off by the new recruiting efforts. DIE leads these people around by the "balls".

[–] 2 pts 1y

More not someone else's

[–] 2 pts 1y

Good. I won't fight for multiculturalism or judaism, neither alongside trannies or faggots.

Alphabet people... NOPE.

The jewSA is a laughing stock of the world. Our admins are semitic, kike loving fucks. Sloppy Limp Dinky Joey is the "commander in chief"???

Don't make me laugh. Fuck the jewSA.

[–] 1 pt 1y

It makes me inediblely sad to agree with everything you said

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