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[–] 6 pts 1y

Well, the military has no official current command in place. I wouldn't want my children being led by a delusional idiot in senility or a half nignog, half kike mongrel. US military was essentially disbanded in 2021.

[–] 5 pts 1y

I joined back in 95 to climb out of the poverty my worthless parents couldn't get out of...(they where hard core drug and alcohol addicts). It worked and my standard of living is above where I thought I could ever attain....the other side of that coin is I was sent overseas based on lies that ruined other countries for no reason other than to destroy groups of people that didn't want to play the world banks games (jews). Us vets know that now and we aren't going to let our children make the same mistakes we did....

[–] 4 pts 1y

Only fucking retards would join now. The way it should be.

[–] 3 pts 1y (edited 1y)

They tried to force people to take an experimental vaccine, and blanked denied any Christian with a backbone to refuse it. Talk about a HUGE loss of faith in leadership. Not to mention that people joining today do not get a full pensioned retirement anymore- you get a shitty 401k.

Not to even begin to mention all of the woke brainwashing bullshit.

[–] 2 pts 1y

Who wants to die for an oil company, and advance the interests of zionists, while saluting a mentally ill man in a dress?

[–] 1 pt 1y

War is a racket- Smedley Butler

[–] 0 pt 1y

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth

found the problem

[–] 0 pt 1y

Encourage/Discourage the kids when they go through that phase in the preteen era. Simply explain the benefits and risks, free school vs. might die or have to live with killing someone and you don't get to pick the battles that you will participate in. The bias has been towards right wing kids joining up and having a left wing military with troons in command probably doesn't look that appealing to them. Risk having to fight Russia? No thanks, I don't buy the propaganda that Putin isn't just clearing out old inventory with the Ukraine "showing of force". Risk having to fight China over Taiwan? LOL that battle is already lost but it won't happen until Taiwan has established more manufacturing in the USA which will give China a foothold in American manufacturing. Risk having to fight every Muslim nation on behalf of Israel? Not for me, I'll wait for God to sprinkle them with water as described in Ezekiel 36 and their stance to change before lifting a finger for those degenerate Synagogue of Satanists. Modern warfare seems to just be money laundering schemes for the elite and disposal of undesired members of the population.

[–] 0 pt 1y

free school vs. might die

Bruh, even Starbucks will give you free college these days.