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(post is archived)

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Active Duty Navy here.

The specific NAVADMIN messages regarding the separation of personnel for refusing the shot (which cover both Navy and USMC) state that the "least favorable discharge will be General (Under Honorable Conditions)." The only situation in which we would get anything less than what's called an "Admin Separation" is if we did something else against the current COVID rules they've got us under, like:

•Faking a vaccine card

•Leaving our place of residence if we're Sick in Quarters (SIQ, basically quarantine for those who might be positive with the coof)

•Not wearing a mask when mandated to on DoD facilities

The last message put out was that they were to hold off on separating people who solely refused the shot (if you have a pending medical or religious waiver you don't meet the definition of a "vaccine refusal") until specific guidance is put out, which is supposed to happen this week. I'm planning to make a post when that happens.