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[–] 3 pts 3y (edited 3y)

139 Air Force members have died from COVID-19.

Fucking What!!!! According to the official Air Force covid tracker, only 4 people have died. Or are they counting all the old people who retired from the USAF 30 years ago and are stuck with the VA. Also worth noting, that for some inexplicable reason, they've stopped updating it weekly.


Edit (Nov 8th): They've changed the link. It looks like every new update gets it's own url. In other news, the USAF had ONE (1) death from 2020-Aug2021. Since August 2021, we've bumped that up to 6 deaths.


[–] 2 pts 3y

Good what's that like %1 of our military will be here in 2 years. China bioweapon has defeated a.erica without firing a shot.

[–] 0 pt 3y

Speaking of, china used an attenuated virus not mRNA bullshit. They have a great desire to knock off america... Hmmmmm

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 3y

AF personnel tend to have higher iq points. hell, to get in the AF scores have to be at a higher minimum than the other branches. now what is the AF gonna do when those Airmen would rather separate than take the clotshot? these are servicemembers with highly-specialized skills that take years to acquire.

when jets start falling from the sky and targets are missed, the DoD will reap what it has sown.

Hold the Line. any fate but submission.