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[–] [deleted] 0 pt 3y

My racist criticism of whites is that we go from a hold hands and sing kumbaya cancel culture to Turner Diaries with literally no room in between the two extremes. And if you try to maintain the status quo from the opposite of whatever the general direction the country is moving in, you get shit on. So if you advocate for raising awareness of white genocide in 2015 and say the retaliation will be catastrophic and the country needs to rally around religion, you are a racist prick. If you advocate for a civnat movement with religious trappings 2017-present you are a cuck.

[–] 1 pt 3y

fair assessment. i would add tho that the propaganda at this moment in time is just unreal. since I haven't lived in other periods of time I can't say if it's actually worse, but it is just staggering. the ability to get ppl to hate themselves and their ancestors for literally giving the world every modern convenience and convincing them that somehow white/Caucasian/European descendants are somehow a world majority is just insane.

these shitheads do understand psychology very well and have weaponized it to an incredible degree.