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[–] 1 pt 2mo

WAF is a good acronym. I am totally stealing that. I had my own mini-server farm with email, web hosting, etc but I got tired of it. Now I am running some DMZ services but just for me and I have a few different email providers I use. AWS isn't a bad deal. It's not like the 5 eyes fucks couldn't see my shit before I moved some to AWS.

I am rocking a M0115 Apple Enhanced Keyboard with a tinkboy adb to usb connector. Easy to remap keys. But still it's not perfect. I am starting to think what I want doesn't exist.

[–] 0 pt 2mo

Running your own email server on-prem is specific to laws passed during the clinton administration that is exactly why Killery is not currently in jail ;)

There are reasons for everything and why I refuse to "cloud host" damn near anything.