When I see this it reminds me of how much our corrupt govt has destroyed the value of a dollar.
Oyyyyyy Veyyyy you're now part of a global economy that relies on cheap labor from 3rd world countries while (((we))) enrich yours with brown consoooomrs! Stop being such a hooowyte domestic terrorist and eat your goyslop!!
I don't want this. Can I get a refund?
Thank the minimum wage.
You hear that people used to get paid $0.10/hr and it sounds awful until you realize that at that time you could buy a burger and fries and a drink for $0.05 and you could buy a house with land for $600.
Raising minimum wage doesn’t make minimum wage earners have a better lifestyle, it just increases the cost of everything to the point where minimum wage workers still can’t afford the same shit they couldn’t afford before.
A society will never function where those who produce the least can consume/own as much as those who produce the most
Much more to it than minimum wage increases. The Fed targets 2% inflation, the rest is mostly deficit spending by the House.
Costs can’t increase if wages stay the same.
Products need consumers, you can’t sell gas for $5/gal or charge $1500/mo rent if the average household is earning $200/year
I agree there are lots of factors behind inflation, but a legal minimum wage is the essential driver that allows it to happen
Yep. Went to the store yesterday. Got a pork shoulder, two packs of bacon, 18 sausage, 10 beef patties. $110... And all items had some sort of sale or discount applied
I'd be stunned. A shopping cart full usually costs me $250-$300, and I buy the meat elsewhere.
When I was a kid (~1965-1972) my mom would cash a check for $50 each week, buy about 10 brown paper bags full of groceries, pay for my school lunch, give me her pocket change to deposit in the kids school savings bank program, pay the milk man, donate to whatever kids club that came around collecting, dad would grab cash out of her purse for his weekly coffee/donut money, pay for intermittent things like my books from the school book fair, occasional camera film processing, etc .... and she always had money left over!
Oh no the full cart was $200+ we had some veggies, and beers whatever
I need to graph it but I've been scanning my receipts for the last 3 years for expensing purposes, but usually went shopping for $100 per cart now it's $200-300 sometimes even $400
A quarter from this time is worth $4.33 in melt value alone now. So a .15 burger is 3/5 of that or $2.60. Current price is $1.58, to be fair there not as good as original tho. That means the $2,60 of your melted quarter gets you 1.64 current burgers.
There are other aspects to this. The McDonalds of today is far more efficient WRT labor costs per sandwich, revenue per square foot, beef production is more efficient, etc. If the McDonalds in the picture were operating today, that Burger just might cost around $2.60 as you calculated.
(post is archived)