I miss it every day. Each time it went down I got a feeling of pride. A Goat said something that someone in power didn't like so they're trying to shut us down again. Best thing ever was the 404 message with a link to an archive of the thread getting battered by the "Macedonian Content Farmers" proudly displayed giving it even more attention. Streisand effect. Fuck the jew bastards.
What a wonderful place that provided years of entertainment. I remember people bitching about the mods there but they're nowhere near as bad as the asshats running this place.
Let me just move your comment to another thread.
Come over to https://preview.goatpen.co/
Still re-bulding the community, but many old-timers there.
That feels good and goaty. Awesome.
Looks promising by way of user names !
I was completely onboard and liking what I saw until it censored me for saying "kike". I want complete range of my anti-semitic thoughts so I don't have to come up with workarounds like k.i.k.e.
Dumb fuck. That shit was written in the code and they are working on fixing it.
Oh Okay dude ya I'm a dumb fuck /s.
I member when the (((angel investor))) showed up and offered PuttItInMuhButt some shekels to turn over the rights to the website. That was so funny.
I will take this opportunity to say FUCK YOU PUTTITOUT.
Voat Goat (ravelry.com)
Pepperidge Farm remembers
Yeah I 'member because I invented it. Memberberries that is. Check it
Never forget
(post is archived)