Late as well, seen the chatter it was going down but figured it was just another brief intermission. Apparently not this time. Unfortunate...
you wont have to deal with captcha once you've leveled up a bit more
O levels...must be Jew designed.
lol, it's purposed with avoiding spam bots and brigades and shit
definitely a jew thing if you could pay a premium to level up.
Yeah yeah...spam, bots, faggots...I still hate it. I will learn to tolerate it. I will survive.
You're welcome here if you don't suck several dicks within a day, but is the new place for voat fags.
Nice.thanks for the link. I will leave the sucking dicks a miss though. Leave it to you.
Context is not your strong suit. fake voat is definitely the place for you!
Poal grammer police alert.
(post is archived)