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[–] 1 pt 4y

We really need some sort of psychopathy test that's transparently and highly publicly available. Psychopaths need to go somewhere to be treated/contained, but they're not given any power or control in society.

I suspect one of the keys to world peace is somehow "curing" psychopathy, actually. I don't know how that's possible, but just killing them or whatever isn't going to ultimately work. At least identifying them and stopping them from fucking things up for the rest of us would be a good start though.

Non-psychopaths don't naturally strive to control things so we end up under them. That can't happen if we want freedom.

[–] 2 pts 4y

There are fMRI scans that can show who is and isn't a psychopath. You show pictures to people while their brains are being scanned of situations that would evoke an emotional/empathetic response in non psychopathic people and watch for certain parts of the brain to light up. Some doctor was able to determine he was a psychopath just by looking at his own brain scan.
