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(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 13 pts 4y

Nigger faggot. Censorship test in progress...

[–] 6 pts 4y

Does everyone here know about the evil jews?

[+] [deleted] 4 pts 4y
[–] 3 pts 4y

most know about them, but until some are actually killed (with gore confirmation of the body) most go 'meh' and move on.

[–] 0 pt 4y

What, jews are evil?! ....

[–] 0 pt 4y

Only a Jew would shutdown a forum site on Christmas.

[–] 5 pts 4y

nothing wrong with calling others nigger fagot, but down votes are different on this site.

if you like content or it is on topic, vote up

if you don't like it or don't care, do nothing.

if you see spam, down vote.

too many down votes will get your account flagged and restrictions kick in.

Good luck!

[–] 1 pt 4y

That will be the hardest to get used to. I'll try to think of down votes on Poal the same as "report to moderators" on other sites (a feature which I basically never use).

On voat, 25% of votes I gave were down. Mainly for if something was overrated or bullshit (I'd often reply too).