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Even the preview site is dead.

Even the preview site is dead.

(post is archived)

[–] 27 pts 5y

Well this is literally the reason I started poal.co

[–] [deleted] 10 pts 5y

I said previously that Poal will replace Voat. I'm saying it again so that when it happens I can retrieve this comment and say "I said this would happen".

[–] 17 pts 5y

Hey you never know, I made poal because voat was down for a week or more. I thought someone needs to do something and so I did something about it.

[–] [deleted] 12 pts 5y

How very White of you.

[–] 5 pts 5y

Until the jews find out about this place and start their heavy government-backed DDoSing. But God bless you anyway if you really are the one that started this site.

I do like that a lot of effort that is being put into this site. I've been lurking for a bit. I'll be banned soon, lol.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt 5y
[–] [deleted] 5 pts 5y

I don't know if it will replace it, but many on voat would come over to poal and create user accounts is what I'd figure myself if that were to happen is what I figure myself.

[–] 2 pts 5y

In accordance with prophecy

[–] 0 pt 5y

This migration to Poal will make the Serengeti one look like Sunday afternoon in Prieska.

[–] 7 pts 5y

I remember the last blackout well. You done good :)

I’m just not sure how I’m gonna fuck with @gabaranow?

[–] 8 pts 5y

I did unban his account a while back. I'm sure he won't be able to keep it more than 5 minutes without breaking the ToS again but hey he can give it a shot.

[–] 4 pts 5y

I’d enjoy that. Kek

[–] 2 pts 5y


[–] [deleted] 0 pt 5y

I'd enjoy having my buddy back over here... muhahahaha

[–] [deleted] 4 pts 5y

He's here somewhere, I'd put money on it.

[–] 3 pts 5y

I’m not sure he could keep his shitposting in check. But I’ll keep an eye out, thanks bro

[–] 0 pt 5y (edited 5y)

gabara quit Voat two days ago.


[–] 0 pt 5y

So did kevdude

[–] 14 pts 5y

I hope voat doesn't die, I like having poal as a smaller alternative that's free of spam and tard-drama. If voat dies this place will go downhill.

[–] [deleted] 8 pts 5y

Goats said the same thing when reddit went full SJW and we all piled into Voat. After a thorough hazing, we were grudgingly welcomed. I like Voat, but I know it will be Jewed into silence sooner or later - just like any free speech platform.

[–] 6 pts 5y

And Voat did go to shit. @Astfglis spot-on about that assessment. Their highly vaunted immune system developed an auto-immune disease, driving off most good users that posted unique content who were there before the hazers signed up. Now it's become cesspit made up of larping trolls, dramatic morons, a dumping grounds for Qult, and some good users who haven't found a better free speech alternative.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 5y

Kind of like what's happening at saidit, the admins have such a tight reign they drive people away

[–] 3 pts 5y

I'm not sure I agree with you entirely.

Voat went to shit because the owner doesn't know to, can't be bothered with, or got into so much trouble for, managing the site.

If voat didn't keep going down, it would be OK.

[–] 7 pts 5y

>free of spam and tard-drama

This right here, the sub drama is incredibly annoying. Ive been on Voat for 4+ years, i think i have logged out for the last time.

This place is a breath of fresh air.

[–] 3 pts 5y

The only drama there that doesn't bug me is mumbleberry shitting on spammers. That entertains me pretty hard. I miss kareemulla and crew sometimes just because of all the lols I got.

[–] 3 pts 5y

At least poal has some systems in place to prevent assfuckery to a certain extent. The transparent voting should help a lot.

[–] 1 pt 5y

Agreed. There is no ability to have discussions on Voat. The people there are way too hostile. Even though I mostly agree with their views, it becomes pointless when it becomes an echo chamber.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt 5y

Agree. Some of the juveniles are already here. They haven't figured out the culture here is different.

[–] 5 pts 5y

Last post from Putt

TL;DR: Voat is a CIA honeypot* (The Magic 8ball said so in chat so this is basically a fact.)

Voat has always been a wild ride. Community meltdowns over censorship standards to having our hosts terminate agreements to having our legitimate payment processors terminate our service without valid reason. One thing with Voat is that there is a surprise around every corner, each new day brings a separate set of challenges, and the hurdles are never ending and as far as the eye can see.

One thing I find interesting is the generational change with users. Each year Voat cycles a user base much the same way that humans do, and with each new generation the past is further forgotten. I always find it interesting that there are many currently that don’t have the slightest idea who SaneGoat or Amalek were.

I say this because many find it confusing that Voat is locked down right now (Authorized Only and Registrations are disabled). They simply don’t understand how an “internet site” can do such “ass backwards” things when every other website is focused on growth and user numbers. With Voat, sometimes things just work out in the best ways possible, completely unforeseen in the beginning.

Voat has been attacked via DDOS two times now by professionals. They are professionals because both the scale and methods employed are nothing less than professional. The first attack of this caliber used website end-points that were expensive and not widely known (a normal user seldom navigates to these areas of the website). In response we made changes and discontinued publishing code to our github repo. This was a defensive move. This latest attack was responsive in that they were monitoring Voat. When I turned Voat off, they stopped sending traffic, but within minutes of enabling Voat, they continued their assault.

In response to this dynamic nature, the only thing I could do was to prevent the botnet from being able to function how it was. I accomplished this by requiring Authorized Only access as typical DDOS attacks on a smaller site like Voat don’t usually come with advanced planning (e.g. creating accounts). Based on their persistence and monitoring I had to disable registrations because that would be their next move to get around the first.

Now fast-forward to CloudFlare, which recently made news for doing something they promised they’d never do again, terminating customer service. They terminated 8chan and while that is horrible in and of itself, they did it in the most callous way possible by giving them mere hours’ notice. They terminated abruptly to inflict the most pain possible, which speaks volumes of the character of that organization.

Meanwhile the anti-truth, anti-freedom, anti-free speech advocates that dominate our internet media reveled in their victory, they were already looking for an additional trophy to add to their collection.

This is where I think the hand of God works in mysterious ways. They next came after Voat, but because of the recent attacks, Voat was inaccessible to those without accounts, thus giving them zero content in which to twist and distort in order to pressure a company like CloudFlare (now that they know it works). You can call this happenstance, but it has happened so many times during Voat’s history that I simply cannot accept it isn’t by design. This is where the generational history comes into play, because new goats don’t see how many times over the past 5 years online that Voat has ended up on top from a defeated position.

I tell you all this, because hardship and challenges chisel the character of man, but life never promises an easy ride. Trust that standing for truth yields the favor of God (and trust in God himself you atheists!) and even in defeat you will have victory.

Voat has a lot of decisions to make now. Big decisions.

Writing custom software from scratch is already a daunting task, we now also have to contend with an environment that is growing increasingly hostile to basic rights of human communication. They won’t stop, and they can’t stop, because the Truth always wins in the end, and Truth isn’t on their side. It will be a fight each and every day going forward. Prepare.

To the weak: Leave. This isn't a fight for cowards or ladyboys.

I don’t know where this will all end but Voat will do the noble thing and continue standing for principles that are the right of every man and child: the freedom of expression, to be free in thought, to live as free men.

*Let's make a list of everyone who stopped reading at this point and commented "I KNEW IT! I WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG! PUTT WAS REPLACED!"

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[–] 1 pt 5y (edited 5y)

This was not his last post. I don't know what is, but this wasn't it.

Okay, I am wrong, that was his last post.

[–] 3 pts 5y

Well, decided to bite the bullet and jump ship, at least till the fires are out, if ever. Glad there is a life raft if nothing else. Anyone know what "set the fire" or did the hamster just fall off the wheel over there?

[–] [deleted] 1 pt 5y

And already downvoting here despite contributing jack. I've returned the favour fag.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts 5y

Ashes might be more appropriate.

[–] 3 pts 5y

I'm going make a future headline, circa 2022, that will be posted somewhere else:

Poal is on fire. With PMYB2 AWOL, this could be the end.

Digg, Reddit, Voat- no matter the method, they all die at some point. Poal will be no different so don't expect that this is your last home on the internet. The only question that remains is how will Poal implode? Anyone care to give their best guess?

[–] 4 pts 5y

>The only question that remains is how will Poal implode?

Voat refugees and the Qult destroy Poal's culture after bringing their problems with them from Voat.

[–] 2 pts 5y

Like you had a culture before I showed up.

[–] 4 pts 5y

There is, and it has distinct differences from Voat’s. I strongly urge refugees like yourself to lurk more to assimilate instead of bringing your problems with you.

[–] 0 pt 5y

The vehicle isn't important.

[–] 3 pts 5y

TOok this long for his corpse's juice to leak into the server and trigger the final melt down.

[–] 2 pts 5y

It's not all toast, you can actually load a user page if you type out the URL.

Other than that, nothing.

[–] 2 pts 5y

It's been very quiet over there for the last couple of weeks. Only alts posting.

[–] 3 pts 5y (edited 5y)

It is active as all hell when it is up. I've got 15 probably extremely angry replies waiting in my messages from two days ago.

Edit: I am just not in the mood to be called a jew shill right now. Half of the messages will be saying that.

[–] 1 pt 5y

That's just what a jew shill would say!

[–] 1 pt 5y

I haven't even gotten past step #7 of the JIDF plan on subverting the vile goyim. May I ask what gave it away?

[–] 1 pt 5y

I just checked and both are active. Eventually it won't come back up, but for now they're still there.

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