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https://pic8.co/sh/3mutwt.png I should have just said "Answer with only yes or no."

https://pic8.co/sh/3mutwt.png I should have just said "Answer with only yes or no."

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt 2mo (edited 2mo)

It's an elaborate shell game that conceals the jewish monopoly on wealth without productive activity. The creditors are jewish banking families who own the central banks. The debtors are goyim governments, and by extension the goyim.

The goyim governments print money and tax to pay these interest on these "debts", and in doing so tax you, the goyim, regardless of whether you are financially responsible or not as an individual.

The jews then use both the government's tax money and the interest they stole from you to ship niggers into your countries, and to pay for their TV programming that brainwashes White women into sleeping with niggers, in order to kill you off.

jews are our greatest enemy.

[–] 0 pt 2mo

Grift is a drag.