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[–] 8 pts 2y

Not only Netflix. Hollyweird is totally fucked up.

[–] 7 pts 2y

I was watching something with my wife a couple of years back before I gave up on it. It was some horror series.

They finally get to an upstanding white male character and I said to my wife: 'Give it 5 minutes.'

Five minutes later, they had him molesting a child.

That channel is a pile of trash

[–] 3 pts 2y

Once you see it, you see it everywhere. With men are either criminals, lunatics, or morons in all movies and television shows. White women treat them with contempt and open their legs for niggers, who always know what to do and who are so saintly, they spend their time saving white people from themselves. Meanwhile, you have the faggots who are the voices of reason.

[–] 4 pts 2y

I canceled that shit four years ago.

[–] 4 pts 2y

Sickening propaganda to pervert and destroy an entire generation of kids who were stripped of their childhood and during coronaronadingdong this kind of crap is what their developing minds were watching.

I remember when that nignog panther movie came out this negro secretary at my old job was asking everyone who wanted to go watch it and do black power fists and act like a typical oversized gorilla. I still can't believe her obese frame never broke the desk chair she somehow fit into with folds hanging over the armrests.

If I was the boss I would have set up a plot to have her dismissed but "muh affirm-uh-teeeve achsion".

[–] 4 pts 2y

I watched primevil the other day. I was expecting a jaws style crocodile hunt... Turns out it was Nigger: The movie. Shit takes place in Africa, they go to hunt a crocodile and literally the biggest issue they have is niggers doing nigger shit. Even Mos Def is like "Yeah, slavery ain't look so bad no more" after watching some nigs go a nogging.

But it's based on a true story so there's only so much jew lying they can do.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 2y

These kikes just can't help themselves.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Hollywood is poison today. You need to detox after watching a movie.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts 2y

Can't get away from it, it's everywhere. Netflix has some decent shows, Ozark, Just Call Saul, Narcos... Yea, hate I paying Barrack and Micheal fuck things up.

[–] 2 pts 2y

Just Call Saul

ok time to put on my angry nerd glasses

  1. It's called Better Call Saul, not Just Call Saul
  2. It's made by AMC and is not a Jewflix original
[–] [deleted] 2 pts 2y

I'm really busy with real life and thanks for correcting me on the details!

Noted Saul not a jewflix.

[–] 1 pt 2y (edited 2y)

i havent watched a major recent movie in years.. i dont have anything other than jewrube, bitchute and i guess odysee.... i refuse.

if it wasnt made before the early 90s, i have no interest in it. ive developed a taste for old movies, even though hollywood has always been kiked, they could not get away with the blatant perversion like they can now.

it hard also having kids because the shows i grew up with, i also consider trash

check out some of buster keaton films. actually pretty entertaining

[–] 1 pt 2y

The last thing I watched on there was Sandman, had a white guy as the protagonist... reminded me of Edward Scissorhands though.

[–] 0 pt 2y

I watched that with my wife for a few episodes (torrented it, of course). It could have been interesting, but the amount of propaganda and niggers put me off.

[–] 0 pt 2y

I need examples. I don't have Netflix. But give me examples and list the characters with justifications. I need real stuff, not tweets. I can't live on tweets.

This sounds great and all but I cannot possibly tell anyone this with zero examples. It just makes me look like a raving lunatic.

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